If you have not yet joined
Squidlog, you will want to do that. You can read great articles about your Squidoo life, link directly to Squidoo chat, get to know other lensmasters, and in general, just have some Squidoo-fun!
Also, if you have not yet checked out
One Week Marketing, this is a reminder to do that. Go and download the free pages and see what you think! Potpiegirl is amazing!
and one more reminder - have you introduced yourself over at
SquidU? Click on Discussion Forum, fill out your profile information, and go to the forum area marked "introduce yourself". SquidU is vital to lensmasters. And a great way to meet your fellow Squidoo-ers.
Take the time to review all of the available modules. It's easy to get into the habit of using the same ones over and over. I know I have to make myself stretch sometimes to try something new. Exploring the modules is a great way to stretch and make your lenses more interesting, for sure!
Are you having fun with Squidoo?