Monday, March 22, 2010

New Sidebar Widgets

Have you tried the new sidebar widgets yet?   I am adding the new widgets to my lenses - 3-5 every day, and I am amazed at how much color and fun I can add to a lens this way!  And sales possibilities too!

Right now we can add Amazon products, featured lenses and a squid cast.  You can only use 3 total per lens.  

This is an easy way to update your lenses, too!  

Friday, March 12, 2010

Are You Ready for the Future?

This is a powerful video.  Any of us who are on Squidoo today, marketing, blogging - need to pay attention!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Squidoo Facebook Pages - Part 2

Do you manage a group at Squidoo?

Yesterday I created South Carolina Friends and Neighbors on Facebook.

Those of us who are South Carolina lensmasters will post our lenses about South Carolina towns, tourist attractions, people or other SC items of interest there.

Why? Because Facebook is quickly becoming a huge "search engine". Just think about it. Someone on Facebook is planning a vacation to South Carolina - and just for fun, they type "South Carolina" in the search box. And they find us and all our lenses.


Someone new to facebook wants to find others from South Carolina -- and they find us, too.

Don't miss this opportunity to give your group's lenses some extra exposure. And come see us!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Squidoo Facebook Pages

I joined Rocket Moms this session to learn more about Facebook pages. If you have created a Facebook page, do let me know. I want to favorite all of your pages on my page which is Expressions of Life Through Squidoo

Bonnie is also teaching us the importance of creating niche pages, so I created Sassy Senior Solutions. I think that page will be fun and I am learning how to find traffic for it too!

Every venue we explore and use increases our traffic to our lenses if we learn to use it well. I do believe that. Facebook pages give us more exposure. In fact, this morning, I have visited at least 3 lenses I would not have seen had it not been for Facebook pages. Don't miss this super way to promote your work and add some excitement to your Facebook experience!